1.Flower Relationships and Pollination Role of Pseudapis oxybeloides in some Indian plants偽蜜蜂(Pseudapis oxybeloides) 在某些印度之花器關係及授粉功能----------1-8
A. J. Solomon Raju & S. Purnachandra Rao
2.On the deposition of first egg clutch in the freshwater limpets Ferrissia baconi (Bourguignat) (Gastropoda : Ancylidae) occurring in West Bengal, India印度西Bengal地區產淡水笠螺Ferrissia baconi第一次產卵的研究----------9-20
N. C. Das & S. K. Raut
3.Cytogenetic studies on the F1 and reciprocal hybrids of Physalis Pubescens L. X Physalis Pruinosa L.Physalis Pubescens L.與Physalis pruinosa L.雜交F1及其相反雜交雜種的細胞遺傳研究----------21-28
Y. Lydiaprasad & O. Aniel Kumar & P. S. G. Bhavani & K. G. Raja Rao
4.High temperature stress induced desynapsis in Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)高溫逆境導致智利辣椒(Capsicum annuum L.)之不聯會----------29-34
O. Aniel Kumar & K.G. Raja Rao