1.A Tentative Check List of the Lecithoceridae (Lepidoptera) of Taiwan, With Notes on Two New Records 台灣產韁蛾科 (鱗翅目) 名錄及兩個新記錄種之記述----------Kyu-Tek Park&Hsiau-Yue Wang朴奎澤&王效岳----------1-12
2.Plagusia speciosa Dana, 1851, A New Record for Taiwan (Crustacea: Brachyura: Plagusiinae) With a Key to the Genus for Taiwan 台灣新記錄美麗斜紋蟹〈甲殼綱:十足目:短尾類:斜紋蟹亞科〉及台灣的斜紋蟹屬檢索表----------N. K. Ng&Hung-Chang Liu&Ping-Ho Ho 黃彥姬&劉烘昌&何平合----------13-22
3.On the Megalopae of Three Species of Crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Calappidae, Matutidae) from Tungkang, Southwestern Taiwan 台灣西南部東港沿岸三種蟹類之大眼幼體之記錄----------Wen-Jou Chen&Jin-Hua Cheng&Keryea Soong 陳溫柔&鄭金華&宋克義----------19-26